Wow...what a weekend. The Mid Atlantic Affiliate Challenge was exactly that...a big challenge. Before getting into the results I need to thank everyone who came out for Crossfit 610, both the scaled and Rx teams, some on VERY short notice. There were also some fans in attendance, which added to the energy. Without much more is the weekend in a nutshell.
Crossfit 610 Team Representing |
WOD #1:
120 Pull-ups
120 OH Squats (95/65)
120 bar facing burpees
600m Prowler push (135/95)
20 min time cap
Myself, Drew, Sam and Rochelle went at this. Starting with the Pull-ups Drew banged out 15, followed by me with 20 and Sam with 10. After that, I have no idea how many we did. I do know that Rochelle was anxiously waiting for us to finish. Took up about 3-4 min..which was not great but we got through it. Time for hte OH squats...shit. I got no-rep'd a few times cause of my depth but Rochelle killed these for us. It was a huge help for her to step up her game in a big is something that was a recurring theme through the weekend. on to the burpees..we split them up into sets of 10 a person. Got to the prowler push where Drew and I each did 50 meters and felt dead. The girls each did their 50 meters and then we split it up into 25 meter sets. We got to 275 meters before the time expired.
Mike and Evan Killing 225lb prowler push |
Finished 5th out of 7 teams in this event. Not the start any of us wanted. But we had lots of time to come back.
WOD #2:
Snatch Ladder
Gerbino did awesome on this event, tieing her PR and coming oh so close to setting a new one at 115. Then Chris came through and destroyed it. Setting a new PR for himself at 185. great job by both of them to keep us in the game.
Finished 2nd in this event!
WOD #3
10 min amrap
Rope Climbs while holding 225lb Axle
We decided to go with 3 rope climbers and one person of strength in this workout. So Sam and I sat this one out while Rochelle, Chris, Drew, and Julie attacked the WOD. As I stated previously we were at a dis-advantage in this event because of our relative lack of experience in climbing, but I have to say Chris, Julie and Drew did really well here. And Rochelle held on to that 225 pound bar for almost the whole 10 minutes (took a 20 sec break at around the 8 minute mark). It was awesome to watch them hold that axle, you could see the pain in their faces but they never thought about quitting. Awesome job by them together.
Rx team holding the axle |
We finished the event with 20 rope climbs good for 4th place in the event.
We ended day 1 in a tie for 4th place. Not the best day for us, but we never quit. Day 2 would prove to go much better for us.
DAY 2!
WOD #4
12 minute amrap
10 Alternating squat clean thrusters (95/65)
75 meter sand bag carry (105/55)
After some debate, and some coaching from Mike, we decided to put Chris and Rochelle into this event..and what a great decision that was! This workout looked absolutely terrible. Rochelle and Chris killed it though. She kept up with him the entire time and really helped put the team through it. The look on their faces at the 10 minute mark said it all, this workout was brutal.
They finished this workout in second place!
WOD #5
Stadium Workout
300m row
30 Toes to Bar (or knees to elbow)
30 Deadlift
30 Dumbell Thrusters (25/15)
50 Double unders
Court Finishing up with doubles while Tony and Mike spectate! |
The way this worked was each member went off in order, but the second person could not start until the person in front of them was done the movement. We decided to go Myself, Drew, Julie, then Sam was being the anchor. In this event you truly are only as strong as your weakest player. Sam has only been doing crossfit for like 3 months and she did amazing through this workout. I finished in about 8 minutes with Drew only having to wait a few times (my bad). The double unders were a lot harder than I thought they would be at the end. The team finished in about 17 minutes and some change. We are confident that we actaully won this event but the scoring got screwed up and the 3 teams that finished in the time cap were all given first place points.
We finished this workout (officially) tied for 1st place.
We finished the "regular" events in second place, but only up on the third place team by 1 point! The final workout would be critical for us.
WOD #6
Each member of the team must complete one round
5 Snatch (115/75)
10 Shoulder to overhead
15 Front Squat
In the same order 50 meter Yoke Carry
165 lbs
215 lbs
265 lbs
355 lbs
same order
10 Burpee Box Jumps (20")
15 Wall balls (20/14)
50 foot walking lunges (25/0)
Eek...this is pretty Daunting. We decided to go with Myself, Chris, Rochelle and Julie. The order would be Julie, Rochelle, Me and Chris. We start and Julie gets through her set pretty quickly...then Rochelle does her set unbroken. It was awesome to see. For someone who went down thinking she would hurt the team, she ended up being one of our strongest members and contributing the most. Then I go..and I take a bit of time getting through the set. Chris makes it through pretty easily but we're still the 4th out of 5 teams to get outside. Crap. It was all of our first time doing a yoke carry..and honestly we had no idea what the weight was (we were all pretty surprised when we saw just how heavy in poundage it felt a lot lighter). We fly though this movement and enter the building in third place. We all get through the final movements and end in 3rd place for the event. It was brutal but it was over.

We ended the event in 2nd place! It was a constant fight to get back into the game after the rough start, but we never quit and gave each workout everything we had. I could not be happier with the team that came down with me, no one ever complained about which WOD's they were in, they just attacked whatever came at them and as a team we conquered. So very proud to be associated with those people and with Crossfit 610 in General.
The Rx team had a rougher go at it, but still did amazing. Coming in 6th out of 23 teams. They were in contention all the way up until the end. It is really inspiring watching those guys and girls go at it, the speed and intensity they have is contagious and the coaching tips were invaluable.
In ending, it must be said how organized the whole event was. The judges were great and the facility (Crossfit BWI) was fantastic. I do wish they gave 2nd and 3rd place scaled teams some recognition or prize, but with only 7 teams, I can understand why only the top scaled team was rewarded.
Had a fantastic weekend! Can't wait to do it again someday!
Final Standings for Scaled
CrossFit South Arlington
CrossFit 610
CrossFit Adaptation
CrossFit 1st State
CrossFit Harford
CrossFit Deleware Valley
Trident CrossFit
Final Standings for Rx
District CrossFit
CrossFit Old Town
R.A.W Training
Trident CrossFit
CrossFit Lorton
CrossFit 610
CrossFit Williamsburg
CrossFit BWI
CrossFit Athletics
CrossFit 215
CrossFit 324
CrossFit Dupont
CrossFit 1st State
Southern Maryland CrossFit
CrossFit DC
CrossFit Rubicon
CrossFit 757
CrossFit Old Town #2
CrossFit Athletics #2
South Baltimore CrossFit