Monday, January 9, 2012

Garage Games WOD's Released

The workouts for the PA's Fittest competition have been released and as normal I'm kind of nervous.  I know I can do the workouts but obviously it comes down to how fast can I do them.  As I did with the last competition, I'll put some goals with each.  Remember, I am doing the scaled division but I will put what the RX division is doing in case people are curious (the numbers are M/F).  Please come out and check out the event if you're free this Saturday, there are going to be some amazing competitors there!

WOD 1:

Rx: 600m row 20/10 Muscle ups  7 minute time cap
Scaled: 600m row 30/20 ring dips then 30/20 ring rows.  HRPU can be done in place of ring dips

My goal:
Gold: 5:00 even
Silver: 5:25
Bronze: 5:45

Anything past 5:45 will be a failure to myself.

WOD 2:

Snatch Ladder

Rx: Starting at 135/75lb ending at 245/135lbs
Scaled: Starting at 85/55lb ending at 165/115lbs

Snatch ladder means that all the weights are set up and you move up 10lbs for each "rung" of the ladder.  You have 20 seconds to complete the move and 10 seconds to move to the next weight. Go until you fail.

Gold: 125lbs
Silver: 115lbs
Bronze: 105lbs

I have gotten 125lbs in the snatch once (kinda, my depth was questionable).  Just once.  I get 115lbs about 2/3 times and it's rare I fail anything below that.

WOD 3:

Rx: "Cleaning up Fran's chest"
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Scaled: "Fran"
95/65lb thrusters

This is where setting a goal becomes difficult.  In August I did fran at 85lbs in 10:12.  Now I'm moving up 10lbs but it's like 5 months later.  So my goal setting is going to be kinda wide.

Gold: 7 Min
Silver: 8 Min
Bronze 9 Min

Let's hope this all translates into some decent results at the competition.  More info on the comp can be found here:  and here:

Today's WOD

5 rounds
400m run
95lb OHS

time: 16:26

Did the entire WOD without putting the bar down.  Almost unbroken.  Rested twice with the bar on my back (once each on rounds 2 and 3).

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