2 words for that statement.
Seriously, who said that? I mean, I understand their intentions but if I know my body enough to know what is a "good" pain and what is a "bad" pain shouldn't I know to stop? If I see a bone sticking through my skin and it hurts should I keep going so that I gain something? no...no I shouldn't. I should prolly go to the hospital or call an ambulance.
The reason I bring this up is because I had to quit in the middle of a WOD yesterday. Yeah. That almost hurt typing that. But hear me out. Even before the WOD began I had some discomfort in my left arm. Nothing horrible, but it was certainly noticeable. I started the WOD and the discomfort grew a bit and a few rounds in I started to feel some pretty horrific pain in it. Again, I tried to fight through the pain and did about 3 more rounds and then it just got unbearable. My arm went numb. I tried bending my arm and it felt like there was a 10lb weight at the end. Not good. So I told Evan, “I’m Done”.
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Unless the pain is chronic..then it's not temporary. |
You may be asking…What is wrong with me? Or you might be going “PAIN IN THE LEFT ARM..OMG YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK!” no no no , not nearly that serious. I have felt this pain before…actually I’ve felt this pain a lot..but always in my right arm. And the pain always came when I tried to throw a ball too hard or too often. So what did I do to cure that? I took a day or 2 off from throwing hard. I would do light tosses just to stay loose but nothing long or hard. I have been going quite hard with my arms and shoulders the past few days and I think I just over did it. Pretty simple. I’m going to ice hot my arm, take a day off from anything arm related and then go back on Friday morning and hope that it doesn’t hurt again.
In a way, I’m actually happy to be feeling it in my left arm, it kinda means that I’m working it hard and assuming I didn’t actually injure it, it might get stronger.
So I guess that statement is almost correct. Let me restate it though.
No (educated) pain. No Gain.
30 Minute AMRAP
10 to 1 power snatches
19 double unders
8 ring dips
1 rope climb
I got 10 rounds in with 7 minutes left before I had to shut it down.
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Love this. And as the person on fscebook who posted it mentioned. You have to have the right diet. |
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